Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Chartist Women essays

Chartist Women essays In the beginning of Anna Clarks essay, "Manhood, Womanhood, and the Politics of Class in Britain, 1790-1845," she describes to the reader how the British political system was set up before the Chartists were formed. The upper and middle-classes were the groups with the political authority and the working-class and peasants had nothing politically. The politicians of this time were all men and were looked down upon by the working-class men due to their namby-pamby homogeneous appearance. The working-class men styled themselves as "real men," hard working, strong men that knew their sexual identity, unlike, it seemed, those in political offices. With all of this manliness being flaunted everywhere, the women of this time were trying to find a niche in the political system along with these working-class men. Eventually both men and women of the working-class came together and were both in the Chartist movement together. Of course, at this time in history, it was looked down on for a woman to want to be in politics. The woman was supposed to stay in the home and nurture the children, not to meddle in the affairs of politics. Ms. Clark then tells of how the women get into politics because they believe that if politics was the reason why they could not get good food and decent shelter to take care of their families, then it was every womans right to be involved in politics. For a while, both Chartist men and women believed in these issues along with the normal political issues of the time, such as suffrage for all people. For one of the first times in history, some men actually supported the right for women suffrage. This was another goal of the Chartists and all women. (Not just the working class, but that wasnt discussed in this essay ,soIm not going to say anything about the Suffragettes in this paper.) After about ten years, the Chartists started to veer away from their grass-roots campa ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Mystery of Great Zimbabwe essays

Mystery of Great Zimbabwe essays The first reports of a fabulous stone palace in Southern Africa did not leave Africa until 1552. It was described by Joo de Barros in his book Da Asia as "a square fortress, masonry within and without, built of stones of marvelous size, and there appears to be no mortar joining them." Portuguese chroniclers of that time believed the stone palace to be the biblical city of Ophir, where the queen of Sheba procured gold for the temple of Solomon. These beliefs persisted until 1871, when Carl Mauch discovered the ruins. Unfortunately, Mauch was only able to boost the Portuguese theories, and was unsuccessful in proving the origins of the ruins. He concluded that a "civilized [read: white] nation must have once lived there." He tried to prove that the ruins had been built by the Queen of Sheba. He argued that the wood found there was very similar to the cedar of Lebanon, and therefore, had to have been brought over by the Phoenicians. Later, archeologists found that the wood that Mauch described was actually African sandalwood, a local hardwood. This discovery disproves Mauch's conclusions. In 1890, Cecil Rhodes with the British South Africa Company (BSA) decided to investigate further into Mauch's findings. Unfortunately, his racist views made his findings biased. Rhodes, working with another man named Theodore Bent, concluded based on the artifacts that "a prehistoric race built the ruins...a northern race coming from Arabia...closely akin the Phoenician and Egyptian...and eventually developing into the more civilized races of the ancient world." Although all of the evidence proved that the ruins were built my indigenous peoples, Rhodes and Bent tenaciously adhered to the idea of the ruin's non-black origins. Another archeologist named Richard Nicklin Hall followed in Rhode's and Bent's narrow-minded footsteps. Hall claimed that his investigation was removing the "filth and decadence of the Kaffir occupation." In rea...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

ABA TIPS Article - Safety Misconduct Defenses Essay

ABA TIPS Article - Safety Misconduct Defenses - Essay Example te safety rules, provide safety training and devices, and in certain circumstances perform alcohol and drug testing as measures to safeguard employees from illnesses and injuries (Spurlock, 2012). Furthermore, in almost all cases, the employer must maintain and implement the said measures at their own expense. Statutorily, Kentucky as compared to Indiana and Tennessee provides the minimalistic amount of safety misconduct defense incentives in relation to employer safety rules. Workers compensation in the Kentucky statute provides for only a decrease in compensation benefits in regards to intentional failure to follow a safety rule of an employer (Spurlock, 2012). In addition, the statute also creates an affirmative defense regarding voluntary intoxication. Numerous employers have a simple safety rule that forbids horseplay. In Kentucky, it is not clear as to how horseplay receives treatment because, in several cases, injuries that involve horseplay are probably not considered to come out of the employment course, hence making horseplay act as a fully affirmative defense. Furthermore, the rules against horseplay have applied parallel consideration that have seen evaluation of the violation of non-horseplay safety rules is the history of the employers enforcing the rule of horseplay (Spurlock, 2012). Statutorily, the workers compensation of Indiana provides for an affirmative defense, barring compensation for all forms of safety misconducts (Spurlock, 2012). In addition, the statute of Indiana provides for full affirmative defense for failing to obey a safety rule or usage of a safety appliance. Regarded as a minority state in providing workers’ compensation of misconduct affirmative defense (Spurlock, 2012). Tennessee’s statute also provides for full affirmative defenses particularly in regards to illegal drug use or intoxication and refusal or failure in using a safety device. In summary, even though they act as a full defense or simply decrease benefits,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

My Self Assessment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

My Self Assessment - Assignment Example How do I interact with others? How well do I fit with the organization? Who am I? Personality insights According to Boud (1995), personality insights entail the characteristics, behaviors, feelings, and thoughts that play apart in making a person unique and different from others. The personality of an individual arises from within him, or herself and tends to remain consistent throughout a person’s lifetime. In my assessment, my basic personality can be regarded as that of extroversion. This is because I have high scores in aspects such as being talkative, outgoing, and sociable. As an extrovert, I get energized by being around other people, as I am not a loner. I am a personality type A, because I ma never late to attend to my activities. Besides, my degree of competitiveness is remarkably high, as I like to compete and achieve the best results. In addition, I am also driven and like doing many things at once, eat fast, and do other things extremely fast. As a type A personal ity, I also express feelings and have many varying interests (Boud, 1995). Values and Attitudes Insights Boud (1995) asserts that values may entail convictions of what can be regarded as acceptable, right, or desirable to a person. ... To me, the fourth central terminal value turns out to be prosperity and wealth, while self respect and pride in accomplishment are the fifth and sixth most significant value respectively. Peace and love in the world and recognition from peers hold number seven and eight respectively in terms of terminal values. The least significant terminal values to me are lasting friendships and salvation. The most prominent instrumental value in my life is self sufficiency and independence, and the second one is being helpful and caring towards others. I value autonomy; as I strive towards being able to be less dependent on other people to assist me achieve my goals (Boud, 1995). In addition, I care for other people and tend to be helpful, whenever people face me with a problem. Hard work and achievement are my third most significant value, while open-mindedness and receptivity to new ideas stands out to be the fourth most prominent value. Thus, I am extremely involved in my job, as I strive to g et the best results. Truthfulness, being well mannered and courteous towards others, and education and intellectual pursuits are the fifth, sixth, and seventh most significant value, to me. Dependability and being counted on by others is my eighth most powerful value, while assertiveness is the ninth value. The least critical value, to me, is obedience that entails following the wishes of others. In my own assessment, I value workplace diversity; this is because I am receptive to other people’s ideas. I welcome change in the workplace, as I rarely hold on to the normal and usual ways of doing things. Therefore, I am always ready to listen to what other people have to say in the workplace. Motivation insights Boud (1995) note that

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Civil War And Reconstruction Essay Example for Free

Civil War And Reconstruction Essay The Civil War is the most widely written about event in American history and Reconstruction is the most mis-understood and least appreciated subject within this wider issue. Most people would prefer to escape into the heroic exploits of the battles that were fought than deal with the difficult social problems that the former enslaved population had to deal with. I am offering this essay since I believe that the African-Americans have been done a great disservice by the Nation. As a people they were forcibly brought to this land, they were enslaved in an illegal and immoral system, and then they were abandoned by that same Nation ostensibly after having their freedom returned. What happened to them was not fair and there is a debt due to them. I hope to show in this paper some of the offenses that I find glaring. What was Reconstruction supposed to accomplish? Was it supposed to provide a new economic start for the freed peoples? Was it supposed to rebuild and reorder the state governments that had seceded? Was it supposed to prosecute and imprison former Confederate officials? These questions were never fully answered, and for the most part they were never even adequately addressed. Liberals and African-Americans are more sensitive to the burden of the unfulfilled promise of Emancipation and Reconstruction, while so-called â€Å"realists† and conservatives proclaim that too much help has already been given (think: â€Å"Affirmative Action†). The truth though, does not lie neatly in the middle between these extremes. Horrific treatment was an unpleasant fact for the enslaved peoples, and they were denied an equal opportunity to enter fully the American body politic. To make matters worse this bitter cup of â€Å"denied citizenship† is still too often a fact today. Recently, the folk singer Bob Dylan (Rolling Stone, Sept. 2012) has said â€Å"†¦the country will never be able to rid itself of the shame of being founded on the backs of slaves. † I would like to rehearse some of the story of Slavery, some critical events in the war and afterwards, and to offer a reasonable suggestion for Restitution. The introduction of African Slavery to these shores was an unplanned event although the Spanish and the Portuguese had been involved with this trade for almost 100 years in this hemisphere before it appeared here. These are some of the highlights of that practice here: The first African slaves were 19 people, who in 1619 were captured by Dutch sailors from Spanish slave traders. Subsequently they were sold to the colonists at Jamestown for food. Initially, these people worked as indentured servants but they ultimately gained their freedom after completing a â€Å"work contract† for the colonists. The phrase â€Å"indentured servant† is misleading in this case since its modern usage means someone who works for a fixed period and is then manumitted. This was not the arrangement that was applied to the African captives who arrived later than these initial individuals did, since the practice gradually evolved to treat the adults as well as the children of the female slaves as also enslaved people (partus sequitur ventrum) 2.  Another misleading statement is that the term â€Å"servant† was widely used in the South, even past 1865, to refer to African people who were actually enslaved. Therefore, not much credence should be put into the seemingly benign phrase of â€Å"servant†3 when applied to these unfortunate human beings. The cost of this labor was attractive to the colonists since by 1638 an enslaved African laborer could be purchased for $27 while a European indentured servant cost a planter $255 for one year’s work. 4 The economic appeal of enslaved African laborers became the norm and quickly spread throughout the colonies.  After twenty years, ordinances legitimizing enslavement were commonplace in almost every colony and the practice had morphed into bondage for life, or more properly, chattel slavery. 5 These practices were immoral; they had no place in a respectable society. The pernicious tendency to view the Africans through the white supremacist lens quickly became dominant and was a concomitant of this chattel slavery. This was punctuated by the knowledge that Europeans were never enslaved while most enslaved people were Africans. The skin color of the enslaved became a facile marker that fit in well with the culturally supremacist view of the European colonists. In this section I try to show how the African Slave System, after gaining a foothold went on to become the most important part of the economy of the new Nation: As the profitability of the colonists’ agricultural enterprises quickly rose, it was essential to procure a sufficient number of workers since labor shortages were a constant headache. 7 Enslavement of the Indigenous Peoples had become steadily more problematic and by the 1750’s this practice had ceased altogether. European workers were both expensive and tended to leave their employers to start plantations of their own, or to return home. Therefore, a more reliable source of economically viable labor became a necessity, and that baleful need coincided with the rise of the Trans- Atlantic Slave Trade from Africa. This phenomenon was heaviest during the 16th through the 19th centuries,9 when an estimated 11 million captives from Africa were ultimately landed at Western Hemispheric destinations out of 15 million who had been loaded onto these horror-filled ships. 0 The differences in these numbers were human beings who had died en route through miserable treatment meted out by the slave traders. The attrition rate during these voyages was a startling 0. 36 persons for every person who disembarked in the New World. We should not forget these stark truths. About 650,000 ~ 720,000 apprehended persons of the numbers shown above,11 it is thought, were brought into what was to become the United States. Employing the attrition rate noted before we can estimate that about 245,000 people were lost from the aggregate number of cap tives bound for these shores. Given the losses in the war that was to come it’s almost as though the Divine Being had decided to punish this country for these sins at a rate of three-to-one. By 1860, the survivors had increased through natural growth to more than 4. 000,000 enslaved and freed peoples12 and were primarily located in the states that were to become part of the Confederacy (76% there and another 18% in the Border States13). What fueled this enormous increase in the numbers of the enslaved was that starting in the 1790’s the revolution of the cotton gin and the corresponding leap in cotton exports demanded an exponential rise in subservient labor. So what had started as a straightforward small-scale agricultural experiment, primarily growing foodstuffs, had metastasized into an industrial system practically keeping the Nation afloat with its lucrative revenues. Before the war began the cotton trade – or more realistically â€Å"King Cotton† – constituted 2/3 rds of the wealth of the Nation. 14 What motivated these slaveholders to import and retain so many African Laborers besides the economics? Evidently the lure of being a member of an aristocratic leisured-class was appealing. Most of the apologists for these slaveholders had classical education, and they employed arguments from Greek and Roman Antiquity, which portrayed slavery as a prominent component of the civilizing mission they were engaged in. Their lower income regional compatriots, although not slave owners themselves, were eager to emulate this conduct, which they viewed as valuable and status-filled. The Southern way of life was born: it was profitable for the elite; it was an identity vehicle for the lower classes; but it was hellish for the enslaved. Further, it was built upon the most cruel and involuntary system imaginable which had as a mainstay the dissolution of the Africans’ families both here and in their original homelands. The American governmental establishment – at all levels -bears the greatest guilt for this outrageous affront. It is important to recall that these slave traders and slaveholders were in many cases prominent members of the various governments that acceded to or promoted this horrific conduct. The enslaved people, it should be remembered, did not voluntarily agree to be forcibly dragged to these shores. Despite the claims made by the â€Å"Slavocracy† that they were performing a civilizing mission by maintaining this obscene practice, the only positive good was that the lives of the slaveholders was being enhanced! EXASPERATION After Slavery had become such an integral component of the Nation, regional differences in the attitudes towards that infernal system began to be felt all around. Exasperation was the order of the day but the African enslaved people were suffering the most: There were three sets of players in this tragedy: the Northern Whites; the Southern Whites (slaveholders and on-slave holders); and the enslaved Africans. It is unequivocally true that the enslaved peoples did not create nor did they benefit from this monstrous catastrophe. The other groups however, either benefited in a direct way or thought their social status was improved through the bacillus of racism. Exasperation however, was shared by all to some degree. The Northerners became progressively m ore dissatisfied with their impotence following the Revolution while the Southerners were increasingly anxious that the North was lining up new Free Soil states that would nullify their voting majorities in Congress. The enslaved though, were in anguish since everything that people could cherish was systematically being denied to them after they had been wrenched away from their homes. The enslaved increasingly attempted to build an alternate life, sub-rosa as it were, by fleeing their masters or by engaging in sabotage or willful incoherence. 15 They also constructed a parallel universe of their own by founding separate places of worship (the Whites did not allow the enslaved to be an equal part of their devotional services) and their own systems of less-than-formal education. t was during this period that it could be said that a new genus was born – the â€Å"African –American†. What they did not have was any significant power over their futures except as ad hoc combinations that could be assembled, when conditions permitted. They expressed this through manifestations such as the Underground Railroad16 (which saw 6,000~ 30,000 African-American flee; figures are imprecise), various slave rebellions (some bloody), and a general unwillingness to be smothered by enslavement (conduct just short of insurrection). Another group, though small in numbers, was the Free Blacks. These people became the vanguard of the African-American middle and professional classes that successfully operated between the seams of the larger society. The actions of this sub-group were able to relieve some of the pressures that had built up in the larger body of enslaved African-Americans and help to point the way for a more prosperous life for all.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Lawrence Ferlinghetti: An American Poet :: essays research papers fc

Lawrence Ferlinghetti is an American poet best known as a leader of the beat movement of the 1950's. The beats were writers who condemned commercialism and middle-class American values. Ferlinghetti writes in colloquial free verse. His poetry describes the need to release literature and life from conformity and timidity. He believes drugs, Zen Buddhism, and emotional and physical love can open the soul to truth and beauty. Lawrence Ferlinghetti was born in Yonkers, New York, in 1919. After spending his early childhood in France, he received his B.A. from the University of North Carolina, an M.A. from Columbia University, and a Ph.D. from the Sorbonne. During World War II he served in the US Naval Reserve and was sent to Nagasaki shortly after it was bombed. He married in 1951 and has one daughter and one son. In 1953, Ferlinghetti and Peter Martin began to publish City Lights magazine. They also opened the City Lights Books Shop in San Francisco to help support the magazine. In 1955, they launched City Light Publishing, a book-publishing venture. City Lights became known as the heart of the "Beat" movement, which included writers such as Kenneth Rexroth, Gary Snyder, Allen Ginsberg, and Jack Kerouac. Ferlinghetti is the author of more than thirty books of poetry. He has translated the work of a number of poets including Nicanor Parra, Jacques Prevert, and Pier Paolo Pasolini. Ferlinghetti is also the author of two novels and of more than eight plays. In 1994, San Francisco renamed a street in his honor. He was also named the first Poet Laureate of San Francisco in 1998. In 2000, he received the lifetime achievement award from the National Book Critics Circle. Currently, Ferlinghetti writes a weekly column for the San Francisco Chronicle. He also continues to operate the City Lights bookstore, and he travels frequently to participate in literary conferences and poetry readings. Lawrence Ferlinghetti writes in free verse, a style of poetry that does not follow traditional rules of poetry composition. In writing free verse, poets avoid such usual elements as regular meter or rhyme. Instead, they vary the lengths of lines, use irregular numbers of syllables in lines, and employ odd breaks at the end of each line. They also use irregular accents and rhythms and uneven rhyme schemes. But free verse is not free from all form. It does use such basic poetic techniques as alliteration and repetition.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

A Summer Trainng Report on Recruitment & Attrition Management

A Project Study Report On Training Undertaken at ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. LTD. Titled â€Å"Recruitment and Attrition Management† Submitted in partial fulfillment for the Award of degree of Master of Business Administration Submitted By: – Submitted To:- ANITA SINGHAL Ms. Sonali Singh Chauhan MBA Part 3rdLecturer of MBA Department 2011 – 2013 PREFACE Theoretical knowledge without practical knowledge is of little value. Theoretical studies in the classroom are not sufficient to understand the functioning of complex & large sized organization.A student of management can have a theoretical knowledge, but he/she must have a practical knowledge too, so that he/she can be able to tackle the various problems that arise in business. Therefore, it becomes necessary for a management student to undergo any project work. Practical knowledge supplements the theoretical studies and covers all the possible area, which is left uncovered in classroom. A systematic prac tical training is necessary for a trainee to bring in him the confidence for job performance & mental preparation which enables him to take up future job responsibility.It exposes student to invaluable treasure of experiences. I had received training at ICICI Prudential Insurance Co. Ltd. Jaipur (Raj. ), in the Recruitment and Attrition Management. During the training program, I got the opportunity to learn valuable things regarding management. It was my fortune to get the training in a very healthy atmosphere. The management of the company offered learning situation, sufficient facilities & training opportunities to fulfill the objectives of training. The overall gain to me will be reflected in the report itself.This project has really exposed me to a far new world & I sincerely hope that â€Å"ICICI Prudential Insurance Co. † will find my study equally valuable as I found it in shaping my career. Acknowledgement A research study cannot be completed without the help guidance of various individual & institutions. I expressed my sincere thanks and gratitude to all those who made it possible for me to complete this report. With great pleasure and sincerity I wish to express my deepest sense of gratitude towards Mr.AMIT GOYAL (Branch Manager) for their valuable guidance and Practice suggestions and for patiently enduring my numerous queries I would highly thankful to Mr. Sudhanshu Shanker (Senior Manager Human Resources) who assigned this project to me and providing me the opportunity to complete this project with their guidance and experience. I wish to thank ICICI Prudential life Insurance Co. Jaipur, (Raj. ) for providing me an opportunity to work with them on this project. My stay in the organization has been a great learning experience.This exposure has greatly enriched me with knowledge. (ANITA SINGHAL) MBA – 3rd SEM Executive Summary Board of Directors: The ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited Board comprises reputed people from th e finance industry both from India and abroad. Ms. Chanda D. Kochhar, Chairperson Mr. N. S. Kannan, Director Mr. K. Ramkumar, Director Mr. Barry Stowe, Director Mr. Adrian O’Connor, Director Mr. Keki Dadiseth, Independent Director Prof. Marti G. Subrahmanyam, Independent Director Ms. Rama Bijapurkar, Independent Director Mr.Vinod Kumar Dhall, Independent Direct INDEX Chapter NO. | | TOPIC| | PAGE NO. | 1| | INTRODUCTION TO THE INDUSTRY| | 7| 2| | INTRODUCTION TO THE ORGANISATION| | 10| 3| | RESEARCH METHODOLOGY| | 33| | | 3. 1 TITLE OF THE STUDY| | 33| | | 3. 2 DURATION OF THE PROJECT| | 33| | | 3. 3 OBJECTIVE OF STUDY| | 33| | | 3. 4 TYPE OF RESEARCH | | 34| | | 3. 5 SAMPLE SIZE AND METHOD OF SELECTING SAMPLE| | 35| | | 3. 6 SCOPE OF STUDY | | 35| | | 3. 7 LIMITATION OF STUDY| | 36| | | FACTS & FINDINGS| | 38| 5| | DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION| | 40| 6| | SWOT ANALYSIS| | 54| 7| | CONCLUSION| | 57| 8| | RECOMMENDATION & SUGGESTIONS| | 59| 9| | APPENDIX| | 62| 10| | BIBLI OGRAPHY| | 65| CHAPTER – 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE INDUSTRY Overview of the Life Insurance Sector in India: With largest number of life insurance policies in force in the world, Insurance happens to  be a mega opportunity in India.It’s a business growing at the rate of 15-20 per cent annually and  presently is of the order of Rs 450 billion. Together with banking services, it adds about 7 per  cent to the country’s GDP. Gross premium collection is nearly 2 per cent of GDP and funds available with LIC for investments are 8 per cent of GDP. Yet, nearly 80 per cent of Indian populations are without life insurance cover, health insurance and non-life insurance continue to be below international standards. And this part of  the population is also subject to weak social security and pension systems with hardly any old age income security.This itself is an indicator that growth potential for the insurance sector is immense . A well-developed and evolved insurance s ector is needed for economic development as it  provides long term funds for  infrastructure development and  at the same time strengthens the risk  taking ability. It is estimated that over the next ten years India would require investments of the order of one trillion US dollars. The Insurance sector, to some extent, can enable investments in infrastructure development to sustain economic growth of the country.With a large capital outlay and long gestation periods, infrastructure projects are fraught with a multitude of risks throughout the development, construction and operation stages. These include risks associated with project implementation, including geological risks, maintenance, commercial and political risks. Without covering these risks the financial institutions are not willing to commit funds to the sector, especially because the financing of most private projects is on a limited or non- recourse basis. Insurance companies not only provide risk cover to nfrastr ucture projects, they also contribute long-term funds. In fact, insurance companies are an ideal source of long term debt and equity for infrastructure projects. With long term liability, they get a good asset- liability match by investing their funds in such  projects. IRDA regulations require insurance companies to invest not less than 15 percent of their  funds in infrastructure and social sectors. International Insurance companies also invest their  funds in such projects. Insurance is a federal subject in India. There are two legislations that govern the sector-The Insurance Act- 1938 and the IRDA Act- 1999.The Government of India liberalized the insurance sector in March 2000 with the passage of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) Bill, lifting all entry restrictions for private players and allowing foreign players to enter the market with some limits on direct foreign ownership. Under  the current guidelines, there is a 26 percent equity cap for foreign partners in an insurance company. There is a proposal to increase this limit to 49 percent. Premium rates of most general insurance policies come under the purview of the government appointed Tariff Advisory Committee.The opening up of the sector is likely to lead to greater spread and deepening of insurance in India and this may also include restructuring and revitalizing of the public sector companies. A host of private insurance companies operating in both life and non-life segments have started selling their insurance policies since 2001. CHAPTER – 2 INTRODUCTION TO THE ORGANIZATION Company Profile: ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company is a joint venture between ICICI Bank – one of  India's foremost financial services companies-and prudential plc – a leading international financial services group headquartered in the United Kingdom.Total capital infusion stands at Rs. 37. 72 billion, with ICICI Bank holding a stake of 74% and Prudential plc  h olding 26%. We began our operations in December 2000 after receiving approval from Insurance Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA). Today, our nation-wide team comprises of over 954 branches in addition to 1,015  micro-offices, over 296,000 advisors; and 21 banc assurance partners. ICICI Prudential was the first life insurer in India to receive a National Insurer Financial Strength rating of AAA (Ind) from Fitch ratings.For three years in a row, ICICI Prudential has  been voted as India's Most Trusted Private Life Insurer, by The Economic Times – AC NielsenORG Marg survey of ‘Most Trusted Brands'. As we grow our distribution, product range and customer base, we continue to tirelessly uphold our commitment to deliver world-class financial solutions to customers all over  India. Company Promoters: ICICI Bank: ICICI Bank Limited  (NYSE:IBN) is India's  largest private sector bank  and the second largest bank in the country, with consolidated total assets of $ 121 billion as of March 31, 2008.ICICI Bank’s subsidiaries include India’s leading private sector insurance companies and among its largest securities brokerage firms, mutual funds and private equity firms. ICICI Bank’s  presence currently spans 19 countries, including India. Prudential Plc: Established in London in 1848, Prudential plc, through its businesses in the UK, Europe, US, Asia and the Middle East, provides retail financial services products and services to more than 20 million customers, policyholder and unit holders and manages over ? 267 billion of funds worldwide (as of December 31, 2007).In Asia, Prudential is the leading European life insurance company with life operations in China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. Prudential is one of the largest retail fund managers for Asian sourced assets ex-Japan. Its fund management business has expanded into ten markets, compr ising of China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam and United Arab Emirates. Vision and Mission Statement: Their vision is to make ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company the dominant new insurer in the life insurance industry.This they hope to achieve through their commitment to excellence, focus on service, speed and innovation, and leveraging our technological expertise. The success of the organization will be founded on its strong focus on values and clarity of  purpose. These include: Understanding the needs of customers and offering them superior products and service  building long lasting relationships with their partners providing an enabling environment to foster growth and learning for their employees and above all building transparency in all our  dealings. They believe that they can play a significant role in redefining and reshaping the sector.Given the quality of their parentage and the commitment of their team, they feel that th ere will  be no limits to their growth. Board of Directors. The ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited Board comprises reputed people from the finance industry both from India and abroad. Ms. Chanda D. Kochhar, Chairperson Mr. N. S. Kannan, Director Mr. K. Ramkumar, Director Mr. Barry Stowe, Director Mr. Adrian O’Connor, Director Mr. Keki Dadiseth, Independent Director Prof. Marti G. Subrahmanyam, Independent Director Ms. Rama Bijapurkar, Independent Director Mr. Vinod Kumar Dhall, Independent DirectPrinciples and Types of Insurance: Principles of Insurance: Insurance is a ‘risk transfer mechanism' – it transfers the financial risks of everyday life from you to an insurance company, but only in terms of the financial consequences of risk. Without insurance, if you car was damaged, it would cost you a lot of money to fix it or to buy another one. It could cost you even more to pay for compensation to someone else involved in an accident. Insurance prote cts  your financial  interests. It  cannot  alleviate the  emotional consequences of an accident. It cannot provide for humanitarian ideals.It can't help you with sentimental losses. But properly used, it will protect your financial investment in your car and your legal obligations should you have an accident. Insurable Interest Before you can insure anything, you must have a legally recognised financial interest in what you are insuring. For motor insurance, you can't take out an insurance policy on the car  driven by the latest film star in the hope that it will crash and you can claim. That is nothing more than gambling. You have no financial interest in the  well  being of the object insured and would gain by its destruction.But you can insure the car you own, or drive. You would suffer  financially if it is damaged or stolen and  benefit from its continued existence. Indemnity This word is used to describe the type of payment you would receive. A motor polic y and a household policy are both a contract of indemnity. It means, subject to the terms of the contract, you are entitled to be put back in the same financial position after a loss as you were in  before the loss. In terms of a ‘new for old' policy the measure of indemnity is agreed at the point of sale rather than the time of claim.The term is also sometime used to indicate if your insurer  will meet the claim at all. A refusal to indemnify is a refusal to pay the claim. ATTRITION It is important to understand the high attrition rate in Indian insurance sector, which stands presently around 35% taking into consideration the Recruitment and Selection of Insurance sales personnel, and various reasons behind the attrition rate are as follows: Controlling Attrition In an ideal world, employees work hard, love their job, worship their workplace, feel like a family and would never leave.But in the real world, employees quit at the drop of a hat. In today’s scenario, it is the major challenge before the insurance companies to control the high attrition rate. As the Indian insurance industry grows exponentially, companies are taking the big leap from survival strategy to competitive strategy. Hence, there is a constant thirst for the best and the brightest of employees, and the result is heavy attrition. In addition, there are several other reasons as to why employees quit. The reasons are too varied to be clubbed together, but the bottom line remains the same—it is all about money!Therefore, it is no wonder that the compensation levels in the industry are heading north. Companies are literally bidding for talent and luring away employees with attractive salaries and designations. While HR experts define it the function of demand and supply, it is a serious concern for employee retention. A Critical Issue After IT and BPO, it is now the insurance sector that is facing the issue of high attrition rates. For most HR managers, employee retentio n is the biggest challenge. Talent or human resource is a major asset for any company.Company Invest high amount of money for their recruitment, selection and training and what happens to company if these talents or employees leave the organization in short while seeking new opportunities. Indian Insurance Industry is one of the fastest growing knowledge based sector with annual attrition rate of around 30-35% compared to the global insurance attrition rate of 10-12% per annum. Current statistics show that higher attrition rate problem mainly exists in Marketing and R;D departments. Major reasons for high attrition rate, stated by employees during the survey are- 1.Inadequate salary or compensation plan. The immediate gain in salary package was found to be responsible for job change in 61 per cent of the cases. 2. Poor management 3. Uninteresting job 4. Lack of motivation Job Lacking Opportunity for Future Advancement Leaving company by the employee not only leads to loss of money f or the company in his training and development of knowledge but it also increase the threat of information security if employee moves to rival company and loss of the business. Whenever a well-trained and well-adapted employee leaves any organization, it creates a vacuum.The organization loses key skills, knowledge and business relationships, and it is not an easy task to find a sustainable substitute. Situation is worse when it happens at a critical (decision making) position, as there is a scarcity of such technical resources in the market. Attrition directly affects the company. Recruiting and training program for employees is an expensive affair. The company has to invest a lot while recruiting an employee. Attrition is a universal phenomenon and no industry is devoid of it, but the degree fluctuates from industry to industry.Major insurance companies in India are age-old and established, having their own culture and work practices and therefore, employee turnover will be a comm on phenomenon in such companies. Attrition is a serious issue in the insurance industry because the industry is knowledge-based and hence employees are its â€Å"assets†. Many HR experts believe that money, though a key factor, is not the only one which makes employees quit. Attrition also happens when people hate their working conditions, do not like their team-mates or perhaps do not like what they are doing.There are also cases when people leave their job for family reasons or when they wish to migrate. Experts also believe that organizational culture has a great impact on who stays and who goes. And the culture of an organization is determined by the quality of the relationship between bosses and their subordinates. According to a popular saying, employees never leave the company, they leave their bosses. An inefficient boss creates poor work culture, which is one of the frequent reasons for quitting. Employers often fail to understand the importance of providing opportun ities for development of their employees or their career growth.A conducive working atmosphere, good culture, training and career growth with adequate salary are some provisions that control attrition. Every employee comes to his organization with some aspiration. An organization is viewed as a place where employees meet their aspirations of growth and development, values of trust, teamwork and transparency. If a company respects them and their skills, realize their potential and provide them with a healthy environment to learn and grow with flexible compensation, employees take that as a strong reason to stay on.Recognizing the contribution of outstanding achievers also inspires others to try hard and put in their best. A good organizational behavior also focuses on areas like training, career development and believe in equipping workforce better on the professional front. Experts say that good organizational behavior is instrumental in extending the tenure of employees in the orga nization as it increases their self-esteem, confidence, morale and motivation. A substantial growth of employee’s self-esteem is as important as the concept of learning in the industry.Otherwise, experts fear that insurance organizations will meet a sorry fate as far as retention policies are concerned. Attrition is the Function of Demand and Supply The demand comes from the growth of the industry and the policy of the company. These two things decide whether there is a demand of fresher or experienced employees. On the other hand, the supply comes from the educational institutions and the market. Normally the supply from the educational institutions is enough to meet the demands of the insurance industry, there is a lack of experienced people in the industry, which in turn has created an imbalance.The imbalance is crucial to the growth of the industry. While the industry is growing, not all companies are capable of taking fresh people and groom them. Hence, the current statu s demands experienced people and shortage of skills or retaining existing employees pose an issue for the industry. In the current scenario, the demand of experienced and good employees is actually outstripping the supply. In such a situation, higher salary structures pose a major challenge in controlling attrition levels in the industry. Moreover, the salary growth plan is not well defined as well. All this encourages poaching by companies offering higher salaries.Though the salary is decided keeping in line with the market trends, the qualification, experience and the attitude of the individual matters. Salary or even increments are dependent very much on what kind of value adding the person is or will do in the organization. Besides, HR experts from the industry believe that out paying is not a winning tactic for companies. The organization’s reward strategy reflects its power to drive quality employees. Apart from salary, recognition of work is a healthy retention strateg y. If the organization values its employees, recognizes and appreciates their skills and work, it pays.It is important to keep an eye on fast track people who are intelligent and excellent performers. Performance is a primary requirement; therefore, excellent performers should be valued. They should be identified, nurtured and provided growth opportunity. HR's Role and Strategies in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. As the struggle for reducing employee attrition rates is intensifying, recruiters are putting renewed efforts in identifying talent, which is committed and productive. However, while everyone is competing for talent, in experts' opinion, a hiring spree can be a blunder sometimes.Stringent recruitment process could help reduce attrition to a certain extent. An internal referral mechanism is also very useful in reducing attrition rates in companies. A thorough analysis of a candidate's background or behavior pattern, adaptability or liking would help the organization wit h good resource pool and less attrition rates. Hiring slayers rather than stars is yet another strategy. According to experts, some of the most talented people often have the tendency to move on. The reason being their eagerness to climb by shifting from one company to another. Frequent job hoppers are not the ultimate gainers. They gain or earn only in terms of money but those who opt to work in one organization for long are able to learn and gain experience which pays in the long term,† An efficient HR focuses on creating a good work culture and work out different strategies in line with organizational philosophy. According to experts, HR managers must use the combination of growth, learning opportunity and pay attention to employees' personal needs and participation. The needs of the employees should be regularly gauged through open communication, polls and feedback mechanisms to maintain consistency in performance and high motivation levels.Insurance employers need to unde rstand the same and deal this issue on a war footing so as to avoid loss of good employees and, also the business. This brings to the issue of recruitment and selection. If these initial steps are flawless, it also helps in reducing the attrition. SIGNIFICANCE OF RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS â€Å"Recruitment and selection refers to the chain and sequence of activities pertaining to recruitment and selection of employable candidates and job seekers for an organization†. Every enterprise, business, and entrepreneurial firm has some well defined employment and recruitment policies and hiring procedures.Importance of Recruitment is given below: Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organization. * Create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the organization. * Determine present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its personnel planning and job analysis activities. * Recruitment is the process which links the employers with the Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost. * Help increase the success rate of selection process by decreasing number of visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants. Help reduce the probability that job applicants once recruited and selected will leave the organization only after a short period of time. * Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its workforce. * Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates. * Increase organization and individual effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job applicants. Factors Governing Recruitment External Factors * Supply and demand * Unemployment rate * Labor market * Potential social Sons of soil * Image Internal Factors * Recruitment policy of the organization * Composition of temporary and part time employees. * Preference to local people even by multinational s as they understand local language. * Size of recruitment * Cost of recruiting Fig. 1: The General Recruitment Process 1. Identify vacancy 2. Prepare job description and person specification 3. Advertising the vacancy 4. Managing the response 5. Short-listing 6. Arrange interviews 7. Conducting interview and decision making. The recruitment process is immediately follow by the selection process i. . the final interviews and the decision making, conveying the decision and the appointment formalities. Recruitment and Selection are perhaps the most important tasks for an organization. Recruitment refers to the process of searching and appointing prospective candidates in an organization. An organization must undertake the recruitment procedure if it wants to appoint the right people under its employment. According to Edwin B. Flippo, â€Å"Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization†. A process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of applications from which new employees are selected†. â€Å"Recruitment is the activity that links the employers and the jobseekers†. Sources of recruitment Why Does Organization Prefer Internal Sources? * Internal recruitment can be used as a technique of motivation. Suitability of internal candidate can be judged better than the external. * Candidates as â€Å"known devils are better than unknown angels†. Employee’s psychology needs can be met by providing an opportunity for advancement. * Employee’s economic needs can be met by providing an opportunity for advancement. * Cost of selection can be minimized. * Cost of training, induction, orientation, etc can be minimized. SELECTION PROCESS in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. The main objective of a selection procedur e is to determine whether an applicant meets the qualification for a specific job, and then to choose the applicant who is most likely to perform well in that job.The entire process of selection begins with an initial screening interview and concludes with a final employment decision. When a selection policy is formulated, organizational requirement like technical and professional dimensions are kept in mind. Selecting a suitable candidate can be the biggest challenge for any organization. According to Dale Yoder – â€Å"Selection is the process in which candidates for employment are divided into 2 classes – those who are to be offered employment and those who are not. † 1) Pre Interview Screening This is generally the starting point of any employee selection process.Pre Interview screening eliminates unqualified applicants and helps save time. Applications received from various sources are scrutinized and irrelevant ones are discarded. A preliminary Interview i s conducted. 2) Preliminary Interview The application of candidate whose screening is successful is found to be eligible for the preliminary interview which covers the personal as well professional details of the prospective candidate. 3) Final Interview This interview is formal in depth conversation conducted to evaluate applicant’s acceptability. 4) Medical ExaminationIf all goes well, then at this stage, a medical examination is conducted to make sure that the candidate enjoys sound health and does not suffer from any serious ailment. 5) Checking References Most application forms include a section that requires prospective candidates to put down names of a few references. References are contacted to get a feedback on the person in question including his behavior, skills, conduct etc. 6) Job Offer A candidate who clears all the steps is finally considered right for a particular job and is presented with the job offer. An applicant can be dropped at any given stage if consid ered unfit for the job.Only after successfully clearing all the hurdles, an applicant can enjoy the feeling of being selected for a particular job. 7) Induction Programme New entrants after joining are given induction programme. It helps the new employee to understand and develop a sense of identification with the company and he can clearly understand his job and will be able to perform his work in good manner. HR POLICIES AND PROCEDURE HR department deals with the management of human resources. It is responsible for the creation of harmonious working relations among the participants of the organization.It effectively deals with the process of planning, directing, developing, and utilization of human resources available to the company. Personnel department basically involved with the management of personnel or human resources. Personnel management is the planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the procurement, development, integration, maintenance and separation of the huma n resources to the end that individual, organizational and social objectives are accomplished. Recruitment Checklist of ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. * Has the vacancy been agreed by the responsible HOD? Is there up-to-date job description? * What are the conditions of employment for their vacant positions? * Has a candidate specification been prepared? * Has the manpower requisition form been submitted earlier? * Has the job advertisement been agreed? * Have the interview arrangement been made? * Have unsuitable candidates held in reserved been informed? Explanation of Recruitment Process Steps in Recruitment process are as follows: 1) Requirement Gathering: Requirement gathering starts with the job description provided by the different department.The manpower requisition forms are provided by the HR department and then filled by the respected departments. Job description contains criteria such as qualification, professional experience, designation in the organization, urgenc y of manpower requirement in the organization. 2) Analysis of the Requirement: It is a clear requirement with a detailed explanation. A clear understanding enables a recruiter to provide a valuable manpower to the required department in terms of giving them a right candidate that matches up their requirement and to provide a candidate with good opportunity to sharpen his skills and achieve his personal goals. ) Sourcing of CVs: In order to find the relevant profile for the job, it is very essential to search the CVs. This can be done in following ways: * Casual application from local places. * Contacts through the present employees. * Data bank * Portals, such as Naukri. com * Former employee * Campus interview. 4) Screening of CVs: This is very important step. It decides whether the CV matches the job description given by the department head. In this step the recruiter has to study the following details in deep:- †¢ Date of birth †¢ Highest qualification †¢ Experienc e †¢ Skills †¢ Expected salary, etc. ) Arranging the interview: After screening the CVs, the interview schedule is scheduled by the recruiter. Once the schedule is fixed, candidates are called for interview. 6) At the time of interview: Candidate is given the personal data form to fill before the interview. Personal data form covers all the in depth information of candidate. Personal data form and resume attached to it is handed over to the interviewer before an interview. Then preliminary interview and final interview is conducted. 7) Medical Checkup: Selected candidates are sent to medical checkup with pre medical checkup form.The main objective of this test is to detect whether the applicant is physically fit to perform work or not and to protect the employer from worker compensation claims. 8) Reference Check: Reference check is made for an experienced candidate. Many employer request name, contact number, address of reference for verifying the additional background in formation of the candidate. 9) Documentation: After the reference check is positive, candidate is called for further procedure of documentation. After documentation the candidates are provided with offer letter. 10) Induction Programme:New entrants are given induction programme. It helps the new employee to develop the sense of identification with the company. The newly entrants is given information about the major products, departments and organization, key statistics. This helps the newly joined employees to understand their work in a better way. Criteria for Recruiting a Medical Representative A Check List 1. Age It is advisable to select them young, usually between 21 and 25 years. 2. Education Depending upon the level of technical knowledge required for promoting your products you can decide on this. 3. ExperienceIt may be advisable to select a fresh graduate with good scholastic record and extracurricular activities. Some companies prefer limited experience of a year or two in similar companies. In the case of an experienced candidate look for his accomplishment, tract record, etc. 4. Appearance A pleasing personality is always preferred. 5. Manners He / she should have good manners as he moves in a sophisticated highly educated class. 6. Voice and Expression There should be clarity of voice, modulation and grammar 7. Reactions Alertness, quickness of response. 8. Drive Ability to stimulate, enthuse others and self-assurance. . Intelligence Comprehension, reasoning ability, keenness and smartness is expected of him/her. 10. Interest Sincerity of ambitions and personal goals, interest in other people. CHAPTER – 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The core concept underlying research is its methodology. The methodology controls the study, dictates the acquisition of the data, and arranges them in logical relationships, sets up a means of refining the raw data, contrives an approach so that the meanings that lie below the surface of those data become manifest, an d finally issue a conclusion or series of conclusions that lead to an expansion of knowledge.The entire process is a unified effort as well as an appreciation of its component parts. According to J. W. B. est, â€Å"Research is considered to be formal, systematic, intensive process of carrying on the scientific method of analysis. It involves a more systematic structure of investigation usually resulting in some sort of formal record of procedures and report of result or conclusions. † According to P. M. Cook, â€Å"Research is an honest, exhaustive, intelligent searching for facts and their meanings or implications with reference to a given problem.It is the process of arriving at dependable solutions to problem through planned and systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of data. The best research is that which is reliable, verifiable and exhaustive so that it provides information in which we have confidence. † 3. 1 Title of the Study: Recruitment and Attri tion Management 3. 2 Duration of the Project: 2 Months (25th June to 24th August) 3. 3 Objective of the study The objectives of the study are as follows: * To understand the concept and mechanism of insurance. * To have an overall view of the Recruitment Process in a leading private sector company. To get a firsthand knowledge as regards to the proper implementation of the extent Recruitment Policies in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE and its preparedness to meet the new challenges in the area of Recruitment. * To review the Human Resource Policies of ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE and compare with them Human Resource philosophy given in the literature. * To observe any legal requirement which apply to the recruitment and selection process. * To get familiar with the organization. * Getting practical experience regarding the organizational function. To learn about the policies and functions of the organization. * To understand the culture in the organization and its effect on emplo yees. * To get industrial exposure and experience. 3. 4 Type of the Research To get complete knowledge about the recruitment and selection activities information are gathered on the basis of both primary and secondary sources. PRIMARY DATA : Primary data are those which are a fresh and for the first time and thus happen to be original in character. Primary data were collected by direct interview with the authorities and staffs and by observation and participation.SECONDARY DATA : Secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone else and which have been passed through the statistical process. Secondary data were collected from various records kept in departments, company profiles, magazines and websites. 3. 5 Sample size and Method of selecting sample SAMPLING SIZE: 100 It means how many people to survey. SAMPLING UNIT: The researcher must define the target population that will be surveyed the sampling unit for my survey is wholesalers, retailers, masons, contrac tor and consumer of Rajasthan State.SAMPLING PROCEDURE: RANDOM SAMPLING Due to the time limitation and lack of sufficient knowledge I confined my study till random sampling. 3. 6 Scope of the Study Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for job in the organization. Recruitment is a positive process of searching for prospective employees, whereas selection is a negative process because it involves rejection of unsuitable candidates. Today the scope of the recruitment is very broad. The scope of the recruitment at ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. enerally covers the following steps: – * Enhancement of productivity. * Quality manpower. * Committed job assignment. * Development of teamwork. * Better utilization of existing manpower 3. 7 Limitation of the Study The present research work is undertaken to maximize objectivity and minimize the errors. However, there are certain limitations of the study, which are to be taken in to consideration for the present research work. * The study was conducted only for the performance of Insurance advisors, Adayar branch Chennai city. It may not be suitable for other organizational employees. The advisor’s behavior may not be same in other branches in Chennai city or country, because of the difference in their performance, target, motivation, attitude, approaches with customers, culture, and working environment etc. * The research was done based on the details provided by the 70 advisors; the conclusion derived may not be wholly applicable to all branches in the city. The study is conducted with the help of the database provided by the Unit manager. * As the target population is large and due to the time constraint, convenience sampling technique was used to select the respondent. Chapter-4 FACTS AND FINDINGS Majority of the respondents believed that larger risk coverage of their policy was the main feature that attracted them to buy that policy, low prem ium was the next important feature. * ICICI Prudential is the largest private player in the insurance  industry in India. * Due to the increasing concern of people towards their health/life the life insurance  business has good prospects. * There are few short term plans which are not known to the  public. * Company has high policy charges which are not affordable by the lower middle and lower class people. * Out of total population of 1 billion of country, only 22% have insurance cover.So we can say that there is still large potential for both the public and private companies. Private companies have to give varied customized product to compete with the LIC which is holding about 97% of the total market. CHAPTER-5 ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 1. What is the biggest benefit of life insurance? SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPONDENTS| PECENTAGE %| 1| Security| 40| 80| 2| commission| 5| 10| 3| Protection of wealth| 5| 10| 4| all| 0| 0| total| | 50| 100| Analysis: Interpretation: The ab ove graph shows that the biggest benefit of life insurance is security with 80% and the next two shows the equal % that is 10% benefit ) Is there any performance incentives? SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPONDENTS| PECENTAGE %| 1| yes| 47| 94| 2| no| 3| 6| total| | 50| 100| Analysis: Interpretation: The above graph shows the performance incentives are 100% given in the company. 3) How do you recruit employees in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO.? SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPONDENTS| PECENTAGE %| 1| References| 3| 6| 2| Advertisements| 5| 10| 3| Consultancy| 35| 70| 4| Walk-ins| 7| 14| total| | 50| 100| ANALYSIS: INTERPRETATION: The hiring process in this company is done by consultancy of 35 respondents and next is through walk-ins. ) How frequently you recruit employees? SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPONDENTS| PECENTAGE %| 1| 6 months| 5| 10| 2| 1 year| 0| 0| 3| 3 months| 5| 10| 4| Every month| 40| 80| total| | 50| 100| ANALYSIS: INTERPRETATION: In this company the employees are recruite d frequently for every month for this the respondents are 80%, after this 3 months and 6 months are 20%. 5) What is the range on scale of getting maximum ; good quality profiles? SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPONDENTS| PECENTAGE %| 1| Average| 35| 70| 2| Good | 10| 20| 3| Very good| 5| 10| 4| excellent| 0| 0| total| | 50| 100|ANALYSIS: INTERPRETATION: The above graph shows that the range of getting good quality profiles are average are 70%,and good are 20% and very good is shown by 10%. So no excellent are there. 6) Under what criteria do you consider while screening the profile? SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPONDENTS| PECENTAGE %| 1| Age | 5| 10| 2| Qualification| 7| 14| 3| Work experience| 38| 76| 4| References if any| 0| 0| total| | 50| 100| ANALYSIS: INTERPRETATION: The above graph shows while screening the profile work experience is given more importance by 76%, and next by qualification by 14%. ) What is the % of candidates who clear the aptitude test? SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPON DENTS| PECENTAGE %| 1| 100| 0| 0| 2| 70| 10| 20| 3| 80| 35| 70| 4| 50| 5| 10| total| | 50| 100| ANALYSIS: INTERPRETATION: The above graph shows the % of 70% of the candidates clear the aptitude test. 8) Do you normally provide training skill development to new recruits? SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPONDENTS| PECENTAGE %| 1| yes| 42| 84| 2| no| 8| 16| total| | 50| 100| ANALYSIS: INTERPRETATION: The above graph shows the training provided to new recruits is yes by 84% and no by 16%.So training is provided to some extent. 9) How many steps include in selection process? SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPONDENTS| PECENTAGE %| 1| 5| 7| 14| 2| 6| 0| 0| 3| 8| 0| 0| 4| 4| 43| 86| total| | 50| 100| ANALYSIS: INTERPRETATION: The above graph shows the selection processes include mostly 4 and sometimes 5 in this it show 86% include 4 steps. 10) After selection of candidates what is the time for offer release? SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPONDENTS| PECENTAGE %| 1| Same day| 0| 0| 2| 3-5 days| 37| 74| 3| 1- 2 days| 10| 20| 4| 7 days| 3| 6| total| | 50| 100| ANALYSIS: INTERPRETATION:The above graph shows after selection the offer letter is given to the selected candidate in 3-5 days and if the candidate is good then 1-2 days 11) What is the employment rate in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE in a year? SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPONDENTS| PECENTAGE %| 1| 70 | 5| 10| 2| 80| 35| 70| 3| 90| 10| 20| 4| 100| 0| 0| total| | 50| 100| Analysis: INTERPRETATION: The above graph shows the employment rate in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANE is 70% in a year and 35 are accepted. 12) What is the experience required for HR position in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE? SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPONDENTS| PECENTAGE %| | 3 years| 5| 10| 2| 4 years| 15| 30| 3| 2 years| 0| 0| 4| 5 years| 30| 60| total| | 50| 100| ANALYSIS: INTERPRETATION: The experience required for HR position in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. is 5 years and accepted by 30 members. 13) What is attrition rate in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INS URANCE? (No. of employees leaving the company in a year) SL. NO| RESPONSE| NO OF RESPONDENTS| PECENTAGE %| 1| 50| 40| 80| 2| 60| 10| 20| 3| 80| 0| 0| 4| 30| 0| 0| total| | 50| 100| ANALYSIS: INTERPRETATION: The attrition rate in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE is 50%, and accepted by 40 members. CHAPTER-6 SWOT ANALYSIS S.W. O. T Analysis of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance: Strength: * ICICI Prudential is one of the largest financial institutions of India. * Money power, which makes them ignorant about the gestation period. * Motivation factors provided by the Company. * Service quality, which is the crux of their mission. * A huge data base of corporate clients, retail customer, and bank customersof ICICI. * Highest paid up capital deposited  in IRDA, in comparison to all players. * Training provided to all people associating with ICICI Prudential. Weakness: * High targets for financial advisors and for the sales  departments. Many competitors in the market offer same product by the title difference in the premium and offerings. * Very huge premium of policies. * Problematic to advisors also. * Sustainable to risk associated with investments in money market. Opportunities: * Health insurance and pension schemes, an estimated market potential of  approximately $15 billion. * Tie up with more corporate agents all over India. And Tie up with broker  (agent) also. * Strong brand of company helps  to boost sales in market. * Attract more people of providing customer centric products. Threats: * Players like Bajaj and Birla Sun  life with low premium for the similar  plans. People are not aware of different distribution channels. * Threat from existing insurance players. * Threat from new entrants. * Changes in the policy of IRDA. CHAPTER-7 CONCLUSION Over the last few decades companies have increasingly begun to realize the importance of customer satisfaction. Where trading environments have become saturated and customers increasingly hard to come by, customer retention has become imperative as the customer-to-business level in the Indian context; the disconfirmation paradigm is still the predominant paradigm influencing the customer satisfaction process.As it is pivotal in this competitive era of globalization as every player in this banking industry is making various efforts to increase its pie share or if no increase at least maintains their market share. In relation to the primary research analysis undertook by me, inference can be portrayed that people are incline towards the LIC as they find them more reliable and they also prefer because of their long term relationship with the customer segment. So last we can say that for the insurance sector to succeed they must pay close attention to the revealed choice criteria of the customer in their decision making activity.Therefore customer relationship management programs must be designed to keep the customers intact that includes aligning product and service offerings with cust omer needs can only be achieved when sufficient knowledge of customer requirement has been captured. Thus accurately understanding the customer’s need is the most important step towards achieving customer satisfaction. CHAPTER-8 RECOMMENDATION AND SUGGESTON There are some recommendations: Open some more branches in semi urban and rural area: ICICI Prudential has almost its branches in urban area or  metros. So in order to increase the no. f customer, ICICI Prudential should increase the approach towards potential customers. For that it has to increase the branches in the semi urban cities like C, D grade  cities. And the rural marketing is the best option for  ICICI Prudential to increase its base in the market. Improve customer services: In order to take the advantage of being industry leader in private sector, ICICI Prudential has to improve its customer services. According to my experience in the company, a good number of customers forget to pay their premium at time so it causes a big loss to the company.ICICI Prudential has already collaborated with the ICICI bank for its Banc assurance facility and then  can include another feature in it. ICICI bank can offer a bank  account with the life insurance policy in which an ATM card will be  provided. This card will have  all the information regarding the policy as like future premium payment dates, payment made, money value of  the policy at that date, value of the unit linked plan and  all other information what the customer want. This will help the customer to pay premium on  time and save their losses.This will be mutually helpful for both sister companies, ICICI bank  will get new account and  ICICI prudential will be able to more efficient services to their customers. Bring some unit linked life insurance plans in the market. Being a market leader doesn’t ensure the leadership in the future. Since after  increment in FDI from 26% to 49%  all player will have the o pportunity to capture the market share. So in order to maintain its position ICICI Prudential should-Introduce some new market linked insurance plan, which will give a competitive advantage to the ICICI Prudential against its competitors.Trained the financial advisors more efficiently: In the changed scenario, more  efficient training will be needed, so ICICI Prudential should provide good and efficient training to their financial advisors. Because they are the one  who interact directly with the customers. So good training will give them the right way to deal  with the potential customers. Suggestions * LIC ; ICICI Prudential should work upon building good reputation of its brand as good reputation has direct effect on purchase of insurance product. LIC ; ICICI Prudential should work upon raising the awareness of the product and give more option and provide transparency so as to make selling of its product easier. * Advertising of the insurance product should stress on the ne ed of security. * Insurance should be popularized as the means of securing future rather than saving tax. * Policies should be issued quickly and with less formality. * Other services should be provided. * Reference group are the most effective medium of advertising insurance. CHAPTER-9 APPENDIX QUESTIONNAIRE 1. What is the biggest benefit of life insurance?A) Security B) commission C) protection of wealth D) all 2. Is there any performance incentives? A) Yes B) No 3. How frequently you recruit employees? A) 6 months B) 1 Year C) 3 months D) Every month 4. How do you recruit them? A) References B) Advertisements C) Consultancy D) Walk-ins 5. What is the range on scale of getting maximum ; good quality profiles? A) Average B) Good C) Very Good D) Excellent 6. Under what criteria do you consider while screening profile? A) Age B) Qualification C) Work Experience D) References if any 7.What is the % of candidates who clear the aptitude test? A) 10% B) 20% C) 30% D) 50% 8. Do you normal ly provide training skill development to new recruits? A) Yes B) No 9. If yes do you send your employees for external training? A) Training institutes B) workshops C) seminars D) none 10. How many steps include selection steps? A) 5 B) 6 C) 8 D) 4 11. On what skill sets candidates are selected in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO.? A) Qualifications B) Capabilities C) Soft skills D) All the above 12. After selection of candidates what is the time for offer release?A) Same day B) 3-5 days C) 1-2 days D) 7 days 13. How do you evaluate a candidate in his/her HR interview? A) Aptitude B) Qualification C) Communication skills D) All 14. What is the experience required for HR position in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO.? A) 3 Years B) 4 Years C) 2 Years D) 5 Years 15. What is the attrition rate in ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO? (Number of employees leaving the company in a year) A) 30% B) 40% C) 20% D) 10% 16. What are the top reasons for any improvement in attrition? Ans. 1. Ski lls Development 2. Communication 3. Promotion/Progress . Management Style 5. Work-Life Balance CHAPTER-10 BIBILOGRAPHY 1. ICFAI Human Resource Management – ICFAI University Press. 2. Gary Dessler, Human Resource Management- PHI Pvt. Ltd. , 2005. 3. G. C. Beri, Marketing Research- Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 4. Udai Parrek and T. Venkateshwara Rao, Designing and Managing Human Resource system, Oxford ; IBH publishing co. Pvt. Ltd. , 2003. 5. K. Aswathappa, Human Resource and Personnel Management, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2005. * http://www. iciciprulife. com * http://www. google. com * http://www. wikipedia. com

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Associate Degree in Nursing Essay

Healthcare systems and the way safe, quality health care is delivered are continually changing to better serve patients and communities. Professional nursing practice is a large component in the healthcare system today. Back in the 1960s, professional nursing leaders tried to adopt the bachelor degree programs as the only educational track to become a registered nurse (Creasia & Friberg, 2011). Due to nursing shortages and demands this motive did not hold fast. Individuals entering the nursing profession today must first decide which educational pathway to take to become a Registered Nurse (RN). Although there are studies that suggest nurses with a higher level of education have better overall outcomes, there still exist different educational pathways one can take to become a registered nurse. The two most popular educational programs today are the Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) and the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). Both programs prepare students to sit for the state’s NCLEX exam and obtain a registered nurse license. Each educational pathway poses different advantages and disadvantages. The associate level degree can be obtained in two to three years and offered through community colleges and technical schools. Because the length of the program is shorter than the BSN program, this can be viewed as an advantage, saving both time and money. ADN nurses are typically educated to be direct care providers, usually employed by hospitals and long term care facilities. The course of study includes general education and clinical nursing classes (Creasia & Friberg, 2011). Technical skills are emphasized in the ADN programs, leaving little time for critical thinking skills. According to the American Association of College of Nursing (AACN), ADN nurses are better suited to work at the bedside in less complicated plans of care (Baccalaureate Degree, 2000). The associate degree nurse does possess good technical skills. The bachelor level degree can be obtained in four years by attending a college or university. Obviously, the BSN program will take more time and money over the ADN program. Although most colleges and universities offer traditional four year nursing programs, some offer accelerated programs. It will usually cost the same, however you are able to enter the nursing profession sooner. Unlike the ADN program, â€Å"the BSN nurse is better prepared to practice in all health care settings – critical care, outpatient, public health, and mental health† (Baccalaureate Degree, 2000, para. 8). In addition to the content taught in ADN programs, the humanistic BSN education encompasses more of the physical and social sciences (Impact of Education, 2011). The BSN nurse is better prepared to work more independently, therefore is well qualified to practice in healthcare systems outside of the hospital. Bachelor programs â€Å"prepare professional nurse generalists for acute care settings, community-based practice, and beginning leadership /management positions† (Creasia & Friberg, 2011, p. 32). This course of study is crucial to the delivery of good, safe, quality patient care. There have been several research studies completed to see if there is a correlation between higher RN education level and better patient outcomes. Several studies concluded there is decrease in mortality rates within hospitals that employee a greater percentage of bachelor prepared nurses (Creating a More, 2011). There are several patient care situations within hospitals in which a BSN nurse would be better qualified to create and manage a patient’s plan of care. Suppose a 28 year old American Indian female was admitted for preterm labor at 32 works gestation with a history of non-compliant diabetes since age 15. Both the ADN and BSN nurse could clinically perform a thorough assessment of the patient, monitor fetal condition and uterine activity, and administer medications. This patient needs more than just acute clinical care; she needs education and resources on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle for her and for the child she will soon be raising. A BSN practitioner has extensive training in cultural, social, and economic areas and would be a much better provider of care than the ADN nurse. Both ADN and BSN nurses will usually start at the same salary in the hospital or long term care facility, the ADN nurse will be limited to career advancements and opportunities. Charge nurse positions may be available in some organizations; however any position of higher level will almost always require an advanced education. Years of experience will sometimes be of relevance for a higher level position, but ultimately, these positions go to individuals who hold a bachelors and/or masters degree. As healthcare settings and delivery of care change, more nursing positions require the Bachelors of Science degree to be hired (Baccalaureate Degree, 2000). Overall, studies and research have proven the BSN nurse to be better prepared professionally for the ever changing healthcare systems of our world today and tomorrow. There have been great strides by nursing leaders and organizations around the nation to increase the number of bachelor degree nurses from 50% to 80% by the year 2020 (Employment of New Nurse, 2011). Even though deciding which educational pathway to take now is still up to the individual, research points to the BSN program. Choosing the BSN educational pathway over the ADN not only provides a broader spectrum of education to better serve patients and communities, but also opens many doors of opportunity for growth and advancement.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Comparison Words Although, Whereas and Despite

Comparison Words Although, Whereas and Despite Comparison Words: Although, Whereas and Despite Academic writing often involves comparing and contrasting arguments or opinions. There are many words you can use for this, each with their own specific meanings. However, to ensure your written work is clear and compelling, it’s important to pick the right word for the occasion. In this post, we introduce three comparison words you might want to use: â€Å"although,† â€Å"whereas† and â€Å"despite.† Although (But) The term â€Å"although† is often a synonym for â€Å"but,† used when qualifying a statement or setting up a contrast: I own a car, although it is being repaired at the moment. Here, â€Å"although† is used to qualify my car ownership with its current unavailability. Since â€Å"although† is a subordinating conjunction, the independent clause (â€Å"I own a car†) and dependent clause (â€Å"it’s being repaired†) are separated with a comma. This also applies if â€Å"although† appears at the beginning of a sentence, where its equivalent of saying â€Å"in spite of the fact that†: Although I own a car, it is being repaired at the moment. Whereas (By Contrast) Another subordinating conjunction, â€Å"whereas† means â€Å"in contrast to† or â€Å"while at the same time.† It’s used for comparing two ideas, opinions or facts: I’m a big Black Sabbath fan, whereas Harry is more into Justin Bieber. In the above, â€Å"whereas† is used to highlight differing musical tastes. It can also be used at the start of a sentence to foreground the contrast: Whereas fossil fuels produce a lot of air pollution, solar energy is comparatively clean. Despite (Notwithstanding) The preposition â€Å"despite† means â€Å"regardless of† or â€Å"without being prevented by† and sets something up as unexpected or defying convention: Sheila ate her lunch outdoors despite the heavy rain. The term â€Å"despite† here implies Sheila’s decision to eat outside in the rain is surprising. Another alternative to â€Å"despite† is the phrase â€Å"in spite of†: In spite of problems during testing, we believe our results are conclusive. â€Å"Despite† is generally preferred in academic writing due to being more succinct, though â€Å"in spite of† can be used to avoid repetition.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

An Emphatic Essay About Appositive Epithets

An Emphatic Essay About Appositive Epithets An Emphatic Essay About Appositive Epithets An Emphatic Essay About Appositive Epithets By Mark Nichol An interesting problem often presents itself when one employs an anarthrous nominal premodifier. A what who which? â€Å"Anarthrous nominal premodifier† is usage-ese for â€Å"false title,† one of a handful of other more user-friendly ways to describe a job title that is not a job title. A description of this concept that is, I think, better still is epithet (a versatile word meaning, in this case, â€Å"characterization†), and that’s the one I use here and elsewhere on this site. An epithet in which, for purposes of clarification or edification, a person’s name is preceded by a concise description of that person is often derided as a coarse conceit of journalistic writing, but it appears quite often in books and other forms of publication as well, and it serves a useful purpose, eliminating the need to follow a person’s name with a more distracting (and often more extensive) parenthetical description. Unfortunately, too many people form the epithet-name construction incorrectly, as in this sentence: â€Å"The essay was written by humanities professor, Paul A. Robinson.† This is one of the most egregious mechanical errors a writer can make; few other such infelicities distinguish the amateur from the professional, and it is one of life’s mysteries how such an obvious error has come to be so persistent as well as pervasive. (The correct form, of course, is â€Å"The essay was written by humanities professor Paul A. Robinson.†) The mistake probably stems from confusion with the nearly identical form in the more traditional sentences â€Å"The essay was written by a humanities professor, Paul A. Robinson† and â€Å"The essay was written by Paul A. Robinson, a humanities professor.† (These forms are preferable to those who find epithets antithetical to good writing.) The distinction here is that in the corrected sentence, the phrase â€Å"humanities professor† is a restrictive appositive. (An appositive is a noun phrase that defines or modifies another noun phrase, and a restrictive appositive is one that applies to only one other noun phrase.) In this sentence, the only humanities professor the phrase can refer to is Paul A. Robinson. The presence of the indefinite article in the other variations is the crucial indicator that they each include a nonrestrictive appositive, one that refers to any example of the appositive’s description; Paul A. Robinson is just one member of the class â€Å"humanities professor,† and the punctuation signals that fact. The restrictive/nonrestrictive distinction in appositives should be observed when referring to inanimate objects as well. A common error is to insert punctuation between the appositives in â€Å"Have you read the book, The Bestseller?† If a generic reference to the book has already been made, this sentence is correct; the title is an elaboration. However, when used on first reference, this construction presumes that the sole example of the concept â€Å"book† is The Bestseller. Because The Bestseller is, in fact, only one example among countless others, the comma is omitted to indicate that â€Å"the book† and â€Å"The Bestseller† are identical. The same principle applies to any form of composition (film, television program, and so on) or any other thing: â€Å"I went to the amusement park Funland.† (â€Å"I went to the amusement park, Funland,† in the absence of a previous reference, implies that only one amusement park exists. â€Å"I went to the world’s largest amusement park, Funland,† by contrast, is correct, because only one amusement park can be the world’s largest one.) If you oppose appositive epithets, this post isn’t for you. But for the many writers who accept the construction as proper usage, I recommend that you use the proper usage properly. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Great Similes from Literature to Inspire YouOne Sheep, Two Sheep, One Fish, Two Fish . . .Quiet or Quite?

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Case Study Example ep due to stress, work pressure and physical ailments. Chronic stress in Jennifer has affected her health physically. She has developed various physical ailments like backaches, headaches and indigestion. She also feels tired often. Though she visits doctor frequently, no obvious physical cause has been identified. These ailments actually lead to loss of sleep which further affects health and thus chronic stress is a vicious cycle of events. Chronic stress can lead to depression, anxiety, somatization, chronic fatigue and psychotropic drug consumption. It can lead to decreased immunity to infections. It can cause hypertension, precipitate diabetes, gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux and angina. It can also lead to poor eating habits, irregular sleep patterns, drug abuse and avert socialization, causing further worsening of health (Nevid and Rathus, 2005). How are these stressors affecting Jennifer’s self-concept and self-esteem? It is a well known fact that chronic stress impa cts not only the physical health of the individual, but also the mental health, including self-esteem and self-concept. Though Jennifer is a successful woman with excellent organizational qualities and good work performance record, several losses in her life like loss of conception, loss of mother and deteriorating health of father have impacted her performance and endurance. Added to these, long distance commutation, responsibilities at home and frustration over not being able to conceive and also not able to help her father out of suffering have undermined her very sense of achievement. Though Jennifer meets doctor often and has found no obvious reason for physical ailment, she does not admit going through stress. Being an ambitious woman and wanting to be perfect in every role of her life, she has unnecessarily put too many pressures on her shoulders. However, stress has reduced her level of self-esteem and self-concept. Jennifer, a once confident woman, is now beginning to quest ion her effectiveness as a daughter, daughter-in-law and wife. Due to innumerous mistakes at workplace, she is beginning to question her work performance. Also, inability to conceive after the previous miscarriage has shattered her confidence levels and she feels that she is not able to live up to the expectations of her in-laws who love her very much. She also feels guilty that she is not able to take care of her father in the manner he expects and thus feels that she is not able to live upto the expectations of her father whose health is deteriorating. Stress can lead to overwhelming fatigue, headache, abdominal pain, and impaired sleep. It can cause deterioration in social skills (Nevid and Rathus, 2005). Individuals in the midst of burnout often lose patience more easily, appear to be moody and depressed, withdraw from others, and do not interact with others as they did in the past. They may become more abrupt, cruder and abrasive in their dealings with others. Jennifer could be suffering from these problems too. How might Jennifer’s situation illustrate adjustment? How might this situation become an

Friday, November 1, 2019

Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 75

Discussion - Essay Example The next step is identifying the tasks required to accomplish these objectives. A typical WBS takes the structure of a flow chart or a tree diagram. The primary objective is shown at the top the main objectives and then below increasingly specific details. This makes it easier for an observer to reads down. Below is a simple example of a work breakdown structure which a manager used to manage a team of programmers. No business can operate without risk. Often the bigger the risk the better the reward, any business or project manager must ensure that the business has a sound risk reward strategy and proper money management. Below are two examples of risks assumed by a manager in charge of managing traders at an Investment Bank and how the manager tackles these risks. In financial markets volatility is the variation of price of an instrument within a given duration of time. Adverse movement in price could course serious loses. The manager can tackle this by ensuring that traders trade commodities with zero correlation. In the financial markets, the lot size of a trade can determine the size of potential loss/ profit. In the event a trader makes a wrong trade the loss can be substantial. The manager can tackle this risk by ensuring that on any given trade only a specific dollar value is risked and stop loss orders placed at the opening of a